

The ActiveSync buzz has been going on here at The Chapel since Apple announce that the iPhone would now support it. We in the IT department wanted to try and get our systems setup before the launch but just couldn't do it with everything going on. The time has come though and we have now added another level of connectedness to our Windows Mobile and Fruit Phone friends. We wanted to wait until we made the switch to Exchange 2007, but just couldn't wait that long.

Good news is that we have it setup and working now! To be honest it wasn't has hard as i thought it would be thanks to a great how to I found at http://www.petri.co.il/. The fix was pretty easy and we can now get iPhone users setup pretty quickly. One advantage the iPhone as well as Blackberry has over Windows Mobile is the uniform platform. What I mean is that I have tried to setup a few Windows Mobile devices and depending on what brand and model it is, the setup screens are different.

So, another system to support but much happier iPhone users.

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